Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We can Always Strive for Better

Hello, We want to take this opportunity to say how much we appreciate all of your hard work in making Children's and Family services at the Rancho Cucamonga Library such a wonderful experience for our patrons. Your hard work and incredible energy truly make storytimes come to life. Now we need that same passion to help steer the course of our future endeavors. We have been given the opportunity to explore how storytimes can be altered to become more developmentally appropriate for children. Over the next year we will do research, survey our community and test our findings to assess what changes (if any) we should enact. At the end of this project we will provide our findings and recommendations and although they may not be implemented, this information will serve as a guideline for future programming. Please help us by answering the questions below and feel free to start a dialog. Though we may not be able to make all of these suggestions come to life, all of your ideas and feedback are valuable and will be taken in to consideration. We appreciate your time and expertise.

Question 1: Developmental Age Range

What do you think are the appropriate developmental age brackets for storytimes offered at the library? For example, Bouncing babies ages 0-8 & 9-21 months VS. 0-23 months

Question 2: Changes to Storytimes?

What types of changes (if any) would you suggest for (your or any) storytimes? ex. Include parents in preschool storytime?

Question 3: Special Because...

What makes your storytime developmentally appropriate for your age group? ex. Lap rhymes that help foster bonding experiences and cater to a child’s vision capabilities.

Question 4: Literacy Tips?

Do you currently offer early literacy tips for parents in your storytime?

Question 5: Training?

Would you like to see more training opportunities for early learning? Child development? storytime tips and tricks? or any other area you feel would be beneficial?

Question 6: Registered vs. Non-registered?

Do you feel certain storytimes should be registered? non-registered?